
One day, when Song was swimming in Sanity Creek, he bumped his head on the bottom. What he thought was a rock was actually a giant cluster of gnarled shells. He cracked one off and swam back to the surface. With an iron letter opener, he pried the shell open and discovered the most unusual iridescent green pearl, colorized by the shell’s location beneath a field of watercress. Now Song is renowned at Sanity Creek: monkey brides commission effervescent gowns, spangled with his watercress pearls. (Count carefully, and you will find at least 123 pearls on him!)

Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 19

The Fancy World
Number 4


Never before has a Sanity Creek vintner achieved actual wine. All prior monkeys who set out to make wine found only caskets of (albeit very good) vinegar. Generations of monkeys finally tired of oil and vinegar dressing on their watercress and switched to lemon. But Cesare has done it! He cultivates certified organic Dolcetto grapes, and the wine is oaky yet sweet. And somehow, it never leaves the monkeys with morning headaches. Cesare has revealed his secrets only to Guzzi. When anyone asks her about his methods, she just smiles.

Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 17

The Fancy World Collection
Number 2


On Tuesdays, when Citron-Cecile creates her éclairs, all the young monkeys skip school to hide under her window. Just to smell that gorgeous decadence. Citron-Cecile has won a baker’s dozen of international awards and medals for her French pastry. Her delights and frippery are so rich and yet so feathery–more delicate than anyone has ever tasted, even in fluffy-eyed dreams.

Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 16

The Fancy World Collection
Number 1

Stripey Joe

Stripey Joe broke my heart. Well, he broke a lot of hearts at Sanity Creek. But Stripey Joe had no use for romance; his one love was always his music. So he studied and worked until he was able to craft the world’s tiniest piano. Now he tours the globe, playing in more than seven hundred microscopic concert halls. Full, no doubt, of swooning fans (Just look at him!)


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 15


Junior Sedgewick

Junior Sedgewick is a painter, self-taught, and if you haven’t heard of him, you will. He was recently discovered by a very important Parisian art dealer, but we can’t talk about it officially until summer. His full name is Reginald Acidophilus Rutabaga Sedgewick, but we just call him Junior. For his canvases, he takes ten by ten discarded steel plates and quarters them, so everything’s five by five.


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 14

Les Artistes Collection
Number 2


Who knows a thousand jokes about a banana? They always knew Ignatius would be a comedian (or a politician) and everyone at Sanity Creek was pleased he chose the former. A natural clown, he wrote and performed his first stand-up routine at age four. Whenever the power is out or monkeys just need cheering up, Ignatius is the go-to monkey.


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 13


Miss Minerva

Miss Minerva is a synchronized swimmer. She has fashioned herself after an amalgam of all the silent movie stars. Miss Minerva speaks seven languages, all equally well in the air as when she is submerged in her alabaster-lined pool. And yes, she has some secrets.


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 12


Randall Newhouse

Never one to underestimate the power of comfort and familiarity, Randall Newhouse is a spatial relations phenomenologist. His landmark study, “How far is too far? Trends in housing and building migration” has influenced a generation of environmentalists and real estate agents. His “next door” homes have been replicated across all of Sanity Creek, many of the monkeys tending to build houses next to their old houses.


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 11

The Scholars Collection
Number 1


Spinetta is Sanity Creek’s fastest and most dependable bike messenger. Like lightning, she delivers packages for gatherings, shindigs, and hootenannies, and has never missed a deadline. (Nor has she missed a gathering, shindig, or hootenanny.) Spinetta has front row tickets everywhere.


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 10


Guzzi doesn’t say much, but she is an exquisite listener. She has visited every continent at least once. She loves to climb mountains and keeps an impressive collection of abandoned birds’ nests from her travels. When she’s at Sanity Creek, you will often find her sitting by the wishing well, humming some traditional ballad or other.


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 9
